Interlude: The emerging of personality...and Clutter!

As I wrote before: I'll show you how the clutter found it's ways into my life and raised around me.
We shall be thankfull for the internet. Because of the msn messenger and the google chat - through which I connected to many of my friends and classmates back then (hadn't we all?) - there are many photographs on my hard drive, depicting my room, it's style, how things changed, furniture went and came in, and how did the shelves (and any horizontal surface) start to be fully packed!
First of all, I apologize, because I really suck at photographing (despite I spent 8 years in art class, so I should know things like composition and so on...) and most of the pictures were made with cellphones, so I won't be the next Robert Capa (even if some of the pictures of my room looks like it was taken in warzone.) but everything you need to see will be seen, clear as broad daylight.
 The western wall of my room, the first picture was taken around 2005, second around 2008, the third 2009(good God, it is overwhelming even for me to see the change that happened during less than a year!Note: the mirror) fourth image was taken in 2012, a year before the moving(Note: the shelf)

The southern wall of the room which was always dominated by the Display cabinet since I bought it in 2005. First picture was taken in the same year. Unfortunately I only found pictures from much later both the second and third images were taken in 2011! Which means that it took only months to fill up an entire shelf, that shows exactly the huge amount of stuff was lying scattered around everywhere in the room, and many more have been purchased aswell.
Shelf on the eastern wall, just above my writing desk. First picture was taken in 2006, two years later the second picture happened. The photo shows how I started to collect books just because of their look, I can't name any of the writers or the titles on those shelves!These two was taken during my student years, the third picture which I could trace back to 2010 shows how my salaries was spent. The shelves are the same, I just painted them one summer. The chaos which was caused by unloading the shelves was enormous, quarter of the room's floor was flooded with stuff. (Note: the curve in the shelves shows the real weight of the stuff that has been mounted on). Last pic was taken in december, 2012, one month before the moving. You can see clearly that's why I needed the other bookshelf next to the display cabinet, the action figures, candleholders, and antique knick-knacks squeezed them out.

I could continue this for pages and pages, but I don't want you to get bored and this three montage shows very simply how the stuff took over my living space. After the clutter started to take control over the room, my mother started to complain about strange smells which she could only describe as old smell or apothecary smell, so clearly something not too healthy, what I tried to disguise with burning lots of incense sticks daily. That's a great metaphor of how I just masked the problem, but thinking back again that was the real point when I should have stopped, and start real downsizing, but that came only many years later...
